Molukken 2007 - 21

Erkundung der Insel Wamar

Insel Wamar: Weg zum Strand Rar Gwamar

Insel Wamar: Weg zum Strand Rar Gwamar

Insel Wamar: Weg zum Strand Rar Gwamar

Der Weg zum Strand Rar Gwamar führte durch dschungelartiges Gelände.

Insel Wamar: Frucht

Insel Wamar: Orchidee

Insel Wamar: Winde




Insel Wamar: Baumschlange

Insel Wamar: Baumschlange


Eine Baumschlange beobachtet uns




Insel Wamar: große Spinne

Insel Wamar: große Spinne

Insel Wamar: große Spinne

Bis zu 15 cm große Spinnen (Nephila maculata?) lauern auf Beute. Auch für Wallace waren die Spinnen bemerkenswert:

".....The web-spinning species were also more numerous than I had ever seen them, and were a great annoyance, stretching their nets across the footpaths just about the height of my face; and the threads composing these are so strong and glutinous as to require much trouble to free oneself from them. Then their inhabitants, great yellow-spotted monsters with bodies two inches long, and legs in proportion, are not pleasant to o run one's nose against while pursuing some gorgeous butterfly, or gazing aloft in search of some strange-voiced bird. I soon found it necessary not only to brush away the web, but also to destroy the spinner; for at first, having cleared the path one day, I found the next morning that the industrious insects had spread their nets again in the very same places....." (The Malay Archipelago (1869) by Alfred Russel Wallace)

Molukken 2007 - 21

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